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Ability to change the column naming in the reports generated by tempo

We would like to change the name of the columns in the report generated by tempo timesheets.

  • Guest
  • Apr 10 2020
  • Likely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • Guest commented
      April 21, 2020 11:43


      Thank you for your answer.

      For instance when we generate a tempo report that we send out to our custimers, first we do an export and then print to pdf. In it we have the following columns:

      1. Zgłoszenie/Worklog

      2. Key

      3. F

      4. Zapisany Czas (which means time logged)

      5. Date

      The column no.3 which is "time billable" would be nice to change to "time billable in polish"

      the columnt no. 4 "time logged" get's it propoer Polish name from somwhere but te column no 3 only gets only the letter "F"

      Kind Regards


    • Hjalti Einarsson commented
      April 20, 2020 14:40

      Hi there

      Thank you for your feedback. Can you please elaborate further what you are looking for here, what the specific use case is. A couple of screenshots would be very helpful.

      Kind regards

      Hjalti Einarsson, PM