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Correct hours count after workload changed

One of user work 7h/day (there is workload 7h), but it'll be changed to 8h/day. I've checked on dev instance - after change workload all previously loggeddays have time "Behind". There is need to provide date pointing to start count hours with new workload.

  • Maciej Wojszkun
  • Jan 5 2022
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Anton Boritskiy commented
    25 Jan, 2022 01:00pm

    my comment is about Tempo Timesheets on Jira Cloud.

  • Anton Boritskiy commented
    25 Jan, 2022 12:59pm

    it happens sometimes that our employees change amount of hours they work, consider following story:

    • now is January 2022.

    • Max Mustermann has started from 01.11.2021, and was working full time, i.e. 40 hours a week.

    • Then we agree with him to reduce his working hours to 35 hours a week starting from 01.02.2022.

    • The moment we change Max Musterman hours plan, we can't specify a due date and the change also applies to the months where Max Mustermann worked 40 hours per week. He now shows up in Tempo Reports as if he was working overtime, but in fact he didn't - he was working according to our agreements that were valid back then.