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Allow users to see their own worklogs even in projects where their role don't have the Browse Projects permissions

As time goes by, we need to "archive" projects in jira, meaning, remove "Browse Projects" permissions to regular users, so that they don't need to see all projects since ever and only see the current projects.

However, this also prevent them to see the timesheets they already inserted creating doubts if they are missing any timesheets or even for them to check where did they put timesheets in a given day.

I understand and it's ok to not allow users to put timesheets in projects they don't have browse permissions, but they should have readonly permissions to see all their worklogs, even if in a project theyno longer have permissions to see.

  • Daniel Pereira
  • Jan 27 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files