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Customer Value in JIRA Issue

Good moorning,

I think it would be very useful, at least for our customers, if CUSTOMER were a field that could be entered and used in JIRA, just like ACCOUNT and TEAM.

Thank you for your attention.

  • Guest
  • Jan 27 2022
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Planner, Tempo Budgets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Sandra Axelsdottir commented
    20 Jul, 2022 09:08am

    And to add to this. The real value would be to have a dependency between Tempo customer field and Tempo account field.

    We are using a JSM project to serve numerous customers where each customers has a set of accounts that are named the same. It's impossible to have agents select an account on the issue without the customer filtering first.

    For example:

    ALL customers have the same 2 accounts: "Service Contract", "Billable hours (excluded from contract)".

    I'm aware of the workaround of adding the customer name as prefix to all account names, but that's not acceptable as some customers have really long names, so the actual name of the account doesn't show when selecting.