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Flexible overtime hours that can even out though couple of weeks

Use case: 1st week employee is working -4h less than 40h, but the next four weeks he works 41h a week to balance out that missing -4h from the first week.

What I am looking for is a way for to have like weekly review where I can see that someone had "borrowed time" and how he/she progress on giving this time back each week. Or the opposite way a case when someone has overworked and then is getting back such time to even out the contractual 40h.

In our organization we call that simply "overtime balance", "rolling overtime" or "Flexible Time". Having such field on timesheets and employee weekly summary would be showing current state of such balance.

  • G M
  • Mar 9 2022
  • Will not implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Christoph Päper commented
    22 Jul, 2022 09:26am

    Wouldn’t this be covered by an informative field for **average hours per week** for the month, quarter, year or whatever other timespan displayed in a report?