We would like to be able to find information about Tempo accounts
1) How to identify who created Tempo Account?
2) Who updated status of Tempo Account?
3) When the status of Tempo Account updated?
Tempo Products | Tempo Accounts |
Tempo Platform | On-Premise |
We need who set leave date for a colleagues in a team in admin log.
One cannot troubleshoot or answer queries to problems with Tempo. There is no audit history area in the UI.
Interim Suggestion: Link your Tempo Customers/Accounts with Insight for traceability.
We have been doing this to leverage having the accounts available through our JSM Portal, but it also comes in handy for tracking changes.
Any update on when this will be implemented? It is required as per the comments below. I know that within NCR, it would be very welcomed.
Kalyan Chakravarthy
Yes, I would like to see audit logs of user removals from teams and adds to approval sections in a team etc.
I think it would also be helpful to see the audit history of when Accounts are added or removed from Jira projects.
For any application is is vital to see (in an audit log) what changes have been made and by whom to certain settings....especially when you have more then 1 JIRA administrator.
Hi, because there isn´t option to set rights deeply in case of accounts - we have more users with "Tempo Account Administrators" Global permissions. In our perfect world would be great if there can be divided this right into someone who can link accounts to projects or issues but can´t make changes in existing accounts and someone who can create this accounts. We have reports based on accounts and there it is a mess when someone make there something wrong. But now we discovered that some of our users is doing changes in accounts settings which are bad. So we want to discover who is doing this. In JIRA there is "Audit log" so if someone do some bad change in JIRA - we know who did it but here in Tempo I didn´t find this option.
Thanks for the Feedback!
Would you like to be able to report on this per Account - or across a number of accounts - or both?
In the past we have been considering showing more metadata information on the account page for each account. Would a simple solution like that help with your use case?
Hlynur Johnsen
Group Product Manager - Tempo for Jira