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Block logging time without account

Our users log time on tickets that don't have an account and we want to block this.

We don't want to add account as a worklog attribute since that has several effects we want to avoid (user can change account when logging time, activity cards cannot be accepted without opening the log time screen, updates to an issues account do not correct the logged time, ...)

However, we do want to block users from logging time on an issue without an account, so that they are required to talk to the manager to set the correct account.

This can be a simple general setting in Tempo just like the "users can log time for closed and archived accounts".

  • Annelotte Bollen
  • Jun 8 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Brijkumar Savsani commented
      September 29, 2023 12:11

      Essentially, preventing users from logging time for an issue that does not have any account associated may avoid unnecessary confusion. I agree with this request. Thanks!

    • Casper Rademaker commented
      September 29, 2023 11:16

      This is also paramount if you use a procedure where an issue's account is set programmatically (for example using automation rules) rather than explicitly by users. Hopefully this can be implemented.