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Additional info and better sorting in issue selection

Hello Tempo Team!

We work with several sprints (most closed, some open, one in progress) and use sub-tasks to be able to record the work of different employees separately.

This then leads to a de facto unusable issue selection in Tempo. The suggestion list is useless...

Example (see also screenshot):

Issue "Scrum Orga" exists in several sprints. Each of the issues has 4 sub-tasks. One for each member of the team.

The issue selection in Tempo now shows "Scrum-Orga" 5 times with different issue keys. But without any related sub-tasks... The employee now has no choice but to know his issue key or to look for it in a new tab.

This is bad.

A very simple solution would be to enrich an issue proposal with more context information. And also include them in the search.

Quite banal something like this:

Epic / Issue / SubTask in Sprint 42

Also, the list should prioritize issues and subtasks of sprints in progress. Currently the sorting seems to be completely random...

Concrete example:

Sprint 1 (closed) 
Issue DEV1-1457 - Scrum Orga
-SubTask DEV1-1461 - Marco
-SubTask DEV1-1462 - Klaus

Sprint 2 (closed)
Issue DEV1-1544 - Scrum Orga
-SubTask DEV1-1551 - Marco
-SubTask DEV1-1552 - Klaus

Sprint 3 (closed)
Issue DEV1-1610 - Scrum Orga

-SubTask DEV1-1611 - Marco
-SubTask DEV1-1612 - Klaus

Sprint 4 (closed)
Issue DEV1-1730 - Scrum Orga
-SubTask DEV1-1731 - Marco
-SubTask DEV1-1732 - Klaus

Sprint 5 (closed)
Issue DEV1-1826 - Scrum Orga
-SubTask DEV1-1831 - Marco
-SubTask DEV1-1832 - Klaus

Sprint 6 (in progress)
Issue DEV1-1900 - Scrum Orga
-SubTask DEV1-1901 - Marco
-SubTask DEV1-1902 - Klaus

Time booking via the calendar. "Scrum" is entered in the search field.

Currently generated:

Scrum Orga
Scrum Orga
Scrum Orga
Scrum Orga
Scrum Orga

But it would be better:

DEV1-1900 (Sprint 6, in progress) 
Dummy Epic / Scrum Orga
DEV1-1901 (Sprint 6, in progress)
Dummy Epic / Scrum Orga / Marco
DEV1-1902 (Sprint 6, in progress)
Dummy Epic / Scrum Orga / Klaus
DEV1-1826 (Sprint 5, closed)
Dummy Epic / Scrum Orga
DEV1-1831 (Sprint 5, closed)
Dummy Epic / Scrum Orga / Marco

I hope I was able to describe the problem and the potential solution well.

Thanks and Regards,


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  • Dec 6 2022
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