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Automated late reminders for timesheet (Scheduler Configuration)

Hi Team,

Our requirement is to send out Timesheet completion email reminders (weekly) to the ones who have not completed timesheets by Sunday, on Monday. (Our work week is setup from Monday to Sunday)

While I try to use the scheduler, I have not been able to get automated emails as required.

As per the attached screenshot:

  1. When set up the scheduler, we get an email on Monday but the duration mentioned in the reminder is from Sunday to Saturday. This may confuse some people. (screenshot attched)

  2. If I select Sunday instead of Saturday and “0” (zero) day after end date, I do not see emails going through.

Is there a way to get emails with the time period Monday - Sunday mentioned and we receive it on Monday?

If “0” (zero) day is made available, this should work I suppose.

We intend to use this feature as soon as possible. It would be great if you could consider this at the earliest.

Thanks so much in advance!

  • Anushree Vyas
  • Feb 21 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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