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Team having the same user multiple times(roles)

The use case is - we sell services to the customer, say, Consultant, Developer, and Project Manager roles were sold. All roles are for a different price.

Consultant - 1000
Developer - 2000
Project Manager - 3000

Typically, one user would be assigned to a single role, but we are selling the service, not a specific person. So, one user can do the tasks of the Consultant, Developer, and/or Project Manager, thus needs to log the time under the corresponding role.

If there is such a case, and they're very often, one user can't be assigned to multiple roles in a Tempo Team. I hope you can see this is causing a big issue for us.

This week I was working 15h as a Consultant, 5h as a Developer, and 3h as a Project Manager.

If there is one Team per project (or per Customer), I simply can't log my time correctly, because Tempo allows me to use only one role in a Team (bear in mind that we don't want to use multiple Teams to work around it).

We see two options:

  • add one user multiple times to a Team, each time under a different role

  • add multiple roles to a Team Member (probably not possible due to the data model)

When logging time, the user selects a proper role in the Worklog Attribute (we already tested this is possible and would be our preference).

  • Guest
  • May 15 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Teams
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Terry Ansohn commented
    20 Feb 14:25

    This would be very beneficial. We can only have 1/2 of our workforce use Tempo. We have to use a different system for our billable work.

  • Nancy Ketchum commented
    December 29, 2021 15:13

    This would be extremely helpful. In our case, we have many projects and a small IT department. So, one person plays role of PM and possibly BA. Other person may play roles of BA and QA. Please help.