Tempo Ideas

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Exclude from 'Import from Jira' plans already migrated and edited.

When plans are created in Planner using the 'Import from Jira' functionality, they sometimes need to be edited.

ex. from a plan of 10 hours.

  • Planner might allocate it as: 5 hours (2 days)

  • User edit and set as: 5 days (2 hours)

The problem is that if these plans are edited (to match their need, and even if still in line with the Original Estimate and Due Date) they will reappear in Import from Jira list.

  • Carlos Andreatta
  • Jul 20 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
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    • Mark Cowley commented
      August 15, 2023 13:43

      Alternatively, once an item is imported, then edited or deleted in the planner, it should not be brought back in to the import screen unless the information within the JIRA task is changed

    • Carlos Andreatta commented
      July 20, 2023 18:49

      Could some issues be deleted to not reappear in the Import list?

      Or maybe be flagged as 'already imported'?