Tempo Ideas

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Link between project plans and accounts

User would like the ability to see planned hours per Account Category grouped by user and projects.

Currently, accounts are only linked when planning on issues (even having the account as default in Proj Setting will not make it appear as linked to a account). The customer is requesting the possibility to change this behavior, and be able to filter by Account/Account Category and see their plans created against projects too.

  • Mirushe Redzepovska
  • Nov 29 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Jesse Hormachea commented
    25 Jul 15:56

    This is a huge issue for us with most of our plans by Project. I'd recommend that the link between Account and Project use the default field in the project settings configuration. Without the ability to look at the data in this way, it creates a gap in the reporting that makes our users not trust the integrity of the setup.

  • Anton Gubenko commented
    19 Jul 11:05
    I hope this will be implemented soon