Tempo Ideas

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Client Credentials Oauth Flow

We would like to offer Oauth as an alternative to the current API key, to allow our platform to synchronize time registrations for an entire organization that are customers with both us and jira / tempo.
Unfortunately, in the current form, the setup process is too complex and the permissions hard to manage.
Currently our users would have to set up an oauth application in tempo settings, copy the client id and secret to our application, then initiate the Oauth handshake and make sure to log in with administrative rights in order to see all the worklogs.
Because of this complexity we decided to keep using the API key.

We would like to be able to request an Oauth token on behalf of a company, providing a requested access scope to ensure rights to all organization worklogs, and preferably without the need for each organization to configure the oauth application - we'd like to do this once for our platform. Essentially we would like to remove as much responsibility as possible from the end-user. Avoid copy pasting keys, let the oauth handshake ask for a specific set of permissions - anything along those lines.

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  • Dec 1 2023
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