Tempo Ideas

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Auto complete timesheet

When entering hours for a Tempo timesheet, each day there is always some amount of hours worked not accounted for. This is from time spent on general tasks, like responding to emails. We have a Tempo task 'General Tasks' that we use for that. Usually at the end of the week, or end of each day if I'm on top of it, I enter General task entries into tempo to bring the entered hours up to actual hours I worked each day. Would like to have an auto populate function for this. Would have to have a way of defining your default task to use. When you click on it, it would show a small pop up window for the week showing current entered hours each day and an editable field showing hours worked. Hours worked would would initially populate with a defined default, like 8 per day M-F. Would update hours worked to match actual for each day, then submit. Submitting it would generate tempo entries for the general task for the difference between currently entered totals and hours actually worked.

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  • Dec 1 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
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