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Integrate with Botron Configuration Manager

Hello, this request would be to integrate Tempo with Botron's configuration manager (or other tools of the same nature). With Atlassian putting more emphasis on Cloud, we see many companies thinking of migrating to another instance. This can be problematic for Tempo due to the data that we capture.

  • This is a partner request.

About Botron (3,162 installs on mkt.) :

Botron is the developer (Atlassian Marketplace vendor) of the Configuration Manager for Jira product. The partner found that there are other similar tools, but have found that their product works the best for these Jira instance migrations.

The Opportunity:

The perceived value would be cost savings for the client, as they could hasten theeir migration services (if things as intended) require extensive migration

Due to Atlassian's trend of wanting to focus more on other instances, many other Atlassian Solution Partners (and clients) have looked at tools like Botron's to do their migration --> Typical clients for these types of services would range from 500-10,000 user tiers (mostly Server/DC)

Many teams buy the Config Mgr for Jira apps, not just to do a 1-time migration, but to keep multiple environments they have in constant sync (like Staging and Prod)

The challenge today:

The challenge for the partner (and others) when doing the migration with the tool today is to make sure the clients add-on (app) data comes over as well, and not just the core Jira data. That being said, because Tempo does not integrate directly with Tempo (or at least, it's been broken for a while according this this link), it becomes hard for the partners/users to understand at the planning stage whether the data with migrate or not.


According to the partner, Botron has a " fairly simple" process to integrate with their app. I believe that this can be found here: https://botronsoft.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CMJ/pages/1131250093/Service+Provider+Interface

and here: https://botronsoft.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CMJ/pages/1103364112/App%2BIntegrations

In addition, I was given the right stakeholder's name at the company:

George Dinkov

Co-founder & Architect | Botron Software

E george.dinkov@botronsoft.com


  • Maxime-Samuel Nie-Rouquette
  • May 27 2020
  • Unlikely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Planner, Tempo Budgets, Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets, Other
Tempo Platform Cloud, On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    27 May, 2020 10:27pm

    This is a partner request.