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User weekly plans

Generate a weekly report for a user that summarizes the plan for the week, ideally by day, that includes the summary of all issues planned

  • Jeba Priyanka
  • Jan 22 2024
Tempo Products Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Joshu Moxon commented
    January 22, 2024 18:44

    Updated illustration. This would give a a lot of information at a glance that is easier to read than any of the current views available to a dev. Would keep track of hours planned vs hours delivered across the week as well as for specific days, give one click access to planned descriptions and instructions, an overview of priorities for the week, and could be used to quickly review with a dev at the end of the week as to how the work delivered did or did not conform to the plan.

  • Joshu Moxon commented
    January 22, 2024 18:35

    Thanks for creating the issue. The idea would be able to provide a summary page that contains all of the tasks for the week in summary format along with a section for notes for the week in general. Something like this that could be published per user that they could then review