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Flex plan to assign resources

Currently, the Flex plan will only display under the team planning view, and it is not to assign resources at the moment.

  • Jeba Priyanka
  • May 10 2024
Tempo Products Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Liz Elliott commented
    13 May 19:13

    to add more details to this, the flex plan is driven by teams. Even though it takes into account the assigned plans to the resources in the team(s) to give you an idea of current allocation vs newly planned time. Once you create the flex plan(s) and then associate them to a jira issue. If anyone were to use the resource planning view, they would not know that other plans have been assigned to the team because it is not assigned to any resources on the team. We're unable to convert and assign to a resource or resource(s) later.

    We also use Structure, so we use the Tempo planner field to get the planned time, the flex plan time only goes to original estimate, it does not go to tempo planner field. It feels short sighted at that point.