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Tempo Cloud API: More flexible worklogs retrieval

I have created invoice generator addon for Jira cloud (https://helloclerk.io/) and I have faced with some Tempo API limitations.

For example, I need to import all company developers time for one month (say, we have 20 developers) and apply the hourly rate for developers to that time. So I need to make 20 paginated requests to /worklogs/user/{accountId} from my server. And my customer needs to sit and wait until time import will be finished for the invoice he is currently creating.

I think all improvements could be applied just to /worklogs endpoint, and should be really easy to implement:

  1. Ability to filter worklogs by multiple Jira user IDs (like we can do for projects)

  2. ⚠️ Ability not to get error from the API if one of projects or users is not found by Tempo. Just ignore them. Like we can do with JQL issue search in Jira Cloud API (they have a flag not to validate the query). Because the user or project may be deleted, but the invoice with them still exists, and we may reimport time for that invoice some day. Example: currently, when I send an array of projects to /worklogs and one of that projects was deleted, Tempo returns error (I think it is 404, I don’t remember now) for the entire request, and I want that it will just ignore non-existent project and return worklogs for existing projects in the query.

Hope you could implement these improvements soon.

Thanks a lot! 🙏

  • Anton Skorniakov
  • Jun 5 2020
  • Future consideration
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    • Dave Somick commented
      May 25, 2021 12:57

      was going to create a very similar idea!

      I would also like to see the ability to add returnable fields like email.

    • Anton Skorniakov commented
      July 29, 2020 14:36

      Thanks, Hlynur!

      Looking forward for good news! :)

    • Hlynur Johnsen commented
      July 29, 2020 13:27

      Thanks for the feedback!

      I'll run this by the team to see if this is feasible - until then I'm updating this idea to Future Consideration


      Hlynur Johnsen

      Product Manager - Tempo for Jira