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Enable Account Filtering Based on Customer Selection When Logging Time in JSM

Description: The customer needs the ability to filter accounts based on the customer selected when logging time on tickets. This feature would allow agents to efficiently select the appropriate account without sifting through a large number of unrelated accounts.

Use Case: In JSM, all support tickets for various customers are managed within a single project. Mario's team handles multiple projects for different customers, each containing numerous accounts. Without filtering, agents have to manually search through hundreds of accounts each time they log time, leading to inefficiencies and potential errors.

Example Workflow:

  1. Customer Field Selection: When logging time on a ticket, the agent selects the customer from a predefined list.

  2. Filtered Account List: Based on the selected customer, the account dropdown is dynamically filtered to show only the accounts related to that customer.

  3. Account Selection: The agent can then easily select the appropriate account from the filtered list and proceed with logging time.

This feature would streamline the workflow, reduce errors, and improve efficiency for teams managing multiple projects within a single JSM project.

  • Kerrie-Ann Cameron
  • May 31 2024
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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