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Update Worklog using Logged Time option without Breaking Filter

I'm attempting to edit a worklog using any filter on 'Timesheet' view on Tempo. When I click on an already entered worklog to update, I'm getting a window that gives a details of the worklog. However, when I try to edit the time on the 'Logged' field directly and hit enter, the time is updated but filter breaks to only show issues that have time logged on them and rest of the issues in the filter go away. This leads to having to reload the page. I know that we can use the 'Edit' option in Actions menu to effectively edit logs without filters being broken but that requires extra clicks. So I would like the ability to just edit the 'Logged' field to effectively update time and not break the filters. This is possibly a defect as the time does get updated, but the filter breaks.

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  • Jan 27 2025
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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