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Let project managers view cost rates and salary details within their folios (read-only permissions on cost rates)

My team and I have implemented Tempo within our Company.

In order to implement the least privilege principle, we have configured permissions in a way that project managers can create their own folios and portfolios (giving them the Tempo Budget Access global permissions), without having the need to have administrative privileges, such as Cost Rate Managers.

Cost Rate Manager has the permission to change user or role cost rates, and we have imported in our Tempo instance cost rates from our corporate systems (with automatic jobs), keeping them regularly aligned (cost rates of single employees may change, cost rates may change overall, etc etc).

So it is very important that nobody, but authorized people, shall have the permissions to change cost rates.

That's why our project managers don't have the Cost Rate Manager permission.

But this has a negative side effect: project managers, when check the "Actual" tab within Folio Costs section, can't see details about costs related to their staff members. There is only an information about the number of members with a total cost, but any detail about each member.

A cost rate manager instead will see the same section with salary detail for every staff members.

We don't want to give the cost rate manager to project managers (Tempo will be used by 5000~6000 people, and by 500 ~ 600 project managers: it would be hard to control everyone's unintended modification to Tempo settings), but at the same time project managers needs to have this detail in their folios.

Same issue is when a project manager, in its folio, wants to check staff details: he can't see how much is the hourly cost of his staff.

A Cost Manager instead would see also this information.

In the end, my question is: is there a way to provide project managers with a "read-only" permission on user/role cost rates, without giving them the "huge" Cost Rate Manager permission?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Best regards,


  • Daniele Gagliardi
  • Jun 18 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Planner, Tempo Budgets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Jake Nemitz commented
    7 Nov, 2023 09:19pm

    My company has the same exact problem/concern. We simply need to decouple the View and Write aspects of the cost rate managers into separate permissions. Or the creation of a View Only permssion node.

  • Patrice Champet commented
    30 Jun, 2021 11:43am

    Definitively a must have, we are now forced to give cost rate admin rights to ours users.