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Make start & end time visible in worklog (w/out requiring each worklog entry to be clicked)

The worklog does have a time view option, however, it easily hides entire worklog entries behind one another (when a user forgets to use military time or simply typos), and is only accurate to the nearest 15 minutes, and for many software engineers, 15 minutes might contain work related to 2-3 different JIRA issues/tickets.

Having to manually click each entry to validate their accuracy is tedious and unnecessary if the start/end times were simply displayed.

Poposing the addition of start/end time to be displayed in Worklog's List view as seen in this screenshot.

  • Guest
  • Jun 23 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Guest commented
      June 24, 2020 01:23

      Kristin, Sure! I'd be happy to review designs. Else, I can still reach out here with feedback if summer/next-release (whichever comes last) doesn't quite address the issue.

      Either way, I use tempo daily for work so I'll let you know if I the fall/next-release (whichever comes last) comes around.

      My Temporary Solution
      (if anyone is interested, may also insight ideas for tempo improvements):

      ^ I use this google spreadsheet add-on which lets me maintain worklogs in a spreadsheet, sync them to google calendar, which then syncs with tempo. This way, I can see start/end times in one place for quicker review, and dont have to search each issue key, but can just leave it as the number. Far less mouse movements and searching required/involved. I tend to just leverage jsql if i'm searching for something. When google calendar syncs with tempo, it creates Planned worklog entries, which auto associate to tickets so long as the issue key is equal to the google calendar event name. This is all automated, allowing me to simply go to the My Work page, and <LMB click, enter> each planned worklog to actually commit/log it. I do this once every 1-5 days. Google spreadsheets also allow for hotkeys <ctrl+;> and <ctrl+shift+;> to auto fill the current date/time into a cell.

    • Kristín Hreinsdóttir commented
      June 23, 2020 14:16

      Hi we are currently working on few features, all to improve the accuracy of worklogs. This includes better timing behind the scenes which should improve the experience of the time view a lot. I will add this idea as a future consideration for now but please make sure to check out for releases during the summer and keep us posted if those changes work for your needs. If you are interested to give us feedback on some of the designs we are working on please let me know.