Tempo Ideas

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Customise the UI for the Timesheet log time window and timesheet submission window

Way of adding messages and links to additional information for when logging time and when submitting a timesheet.

Would like to be able to add a message when submiting timesheet to remind staff to do another action and adding a link. It would be good to be able to display this when submitting the timesheet or as a message after the submission or an action event after submission.

  • Egon Kuster
  • Jun 25 2020
  • Will not implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Reshma Puthan commented
    8 Apr, 2021 10:28pm

    As per CITI's policy - we would like to add an attestation/confirmation popup after the user click on submit.

    something like :

    "Once Submitted, your Time Sheet can NO longer be edited."

    Total submitted hours : “X” - Minimum expected hours: “Y”

    Do you agree? Yes No