Tempo Ideas

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Include Tempo team and user role in report exports

We go to a lot of trouble to set up Tempo teams to allow for timecard approvals. We also take the time to assign user roles to members of each team.

It would be very helpful if that information were actually included in the reports that we can run - especially the data that can be exported to Excel/CSV. It's important to our finance team to have that information when reviewing time reports, and if it only exists within the Tempo UI, it's useless.

  • Esther Strom
  • Jul 7 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Anca Cristescu commented
      December 23, 2024 23:14

      Is this happening? 5 years later?

      I dream about it in Data Center, but if Cloud is not happening yet, what are my chances?

    • Anna Nagyné Széles commented
      May 16, 2023 07:16

      We just wated to start using accounts and it turned out, that role info is not available in the export, so we can not make reports. We bought Tempo for the account functionality, without that it is useless. Is there any workaround to get the role info for worklog export?

    • Jamie Schwartz commented
      November 04, 2022 17:56

      Hoping this also includes the Program value too. Any field that's tempo related should most certainly be part of the raw export and accessible by APIs.

    • Jonathan Brunerie commented
      February 11, 2022 10:42

      It would be interesting for server version as well.

      I didn't find this information in the tempo UI report as well.