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End time default value

Current situation: When I want to log time via the app, the start time is always current time and end time +3h.

Expected result: As a user, I want that end time will be the current time. Also, consider adding this parameter to settings.

  • Guest
  • Aug 7 2020
  • Future consideration
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    • Andriy Zhdanov commented
      February 22, 2023 09:52

      I'd like this feature to be implemented too.

      I log work done at the end of the date, but expect Start Time to be my 9 AM, when I log 8h, but it requires extra user efforts to set time, and could be done automatically by the app.

      Prime Timesheet does this :)

    • Guest commented
      August 28, 2020 13:04

      Hi Andrew,

      Now I see why 3 or more hours are suggested. We are using 8 h.

      I would like that then I press log time end period would be a current time not feature because I'm finished time period.

    • Andrew Osborne commented
      August 28, 2020 12:31

      Hi Marius,

      Thanks for leaving your comments. The way the end time works at the moment is that it will add the remaining duration left to log for the day (based on your workload scheme) to the start time.

      Can you confirm the workload scheme you are using? Is it 3 hours per day?

      Do you experience anything different after the first worklog is logged for the day?


      Andrew -PM