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Allow deactivation of Jira's own log work function on project level

Hey there,

one of our customers uses Tempo Timesheets for tracking worktime of his employees. However, there are projects on the customer's instance that are still to use "classic" work logging (mainyl because Work Attributes can't be configured on project level, but you already got an idea ticket for that, I saw).

Currently, with Tempo Timesheet being sensitive for the "View all Worklogs" permission of Jira - which indeed is available on project level -, it is not possible to prevent users from using the classic Jira functionality without also preventing them from using Timesheets.

Since here, a project shall either use classic Jira work logs or Tempo Timesheets, it would be great if Timesheets would provide a simple option do deactivate Jira's own functionality per project - or per account and it's projects. And by deactivate the functionality, I mean hide the "log work" button and also the "Work Log" tab in the activity panel as well as the respective entries in "History".

  • Guest
  • Sep 17 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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