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Tempo Planned Time report filtering by Plan status

Tempo Planned Time reporting allows to use e.g. user, account, project, issue, JQL etc. as a filter. Would need a possibility to use also Plan status as a filter.

We are planning to use statuses to separate "soft" (=preliminary) and "hard" (=agreed/fixed) time bookings in Tempo reporting.

  • Guest
  • Oct 14 2020
  • Future consideration
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  • Guest commented
    8 Sep, 2022 06:43am

    It wuild help us a lot!

  • Nicholas Tsiroyiannis commented
    16 Apr, 2021 05:28pm

    I also recognise that this idea is about adding these fields in the reports screen, but ideally the same should be possible in the actual planning page. As a workarround a link to the plan should be available in the report screen.

  • Nicholas Tsiroyiannis commented
    16 Apr, 2021 05:27pm

    Please add the reviewer as well as a filter, for the same reason.

    consider the following use case,

    • a team leader, of a large team, or potentially multiple teams

    • how are they meant to keep track of the plans they have been asked to review and approve/reject

    • currently they either have to keep track of emails (!) or go through all plans line by plan (!!)

    • approvers should be able to have either a filtered page with the plans pending their approval and/or ideally the flexibility to define the status and reviewer fields as filters.

    So John, who is a team leader, should be able to filter by plans of his team members which are pending his approval.

    Also Mary, John's boss, who is covering for him while on holiday, should also be able to filter by status pending approval and reviewer is John, so she can process these while he is away.

    Thanks for your consideration and feedback