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Add the option that issues, which are added via filter to the My work view, comply to the grouping

Many users are using the option to add JIRA filters to their My work view, to easier find them when they log work.
The functionality to have these issues (when no work has been logged on them in the selected timeframe) comply to the grouping is scheduled to be removed, which will affect the users who are currently using this.
The display of the issues will then change continuously as users are logging work.

  • Susanne Götz
  • Feb 18 2021
  • Shipped
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • Mayank Agarwal commented
      September 15, 2021 23:58

      Hi, I am happy to confirm that in our latest Server Release 11.9.0, we have reverted the changes so that the 'Issue Lists' and 'Group by' features can be used simultaneously. We will continue to improve this feature in the future. Thank you for your patience and feedback.

    • Michael Mohr commented
      September 08, 2021 06:28

      Also thank you from my side for the correction of this status error. I'm calmed down again ;-)

    • Michael Bachmann commented
      September 07, 2021 17:15
      Thanks for clearing this up and the good news on this, much appreciated :)
    • Christopher Castine commented
      September 07, 2021 16:43

      Please note the status was erroneous updated to won't do. This has been corrected. We are currently working on this feature and it is planned for delivery in the fall time period. Apologies for any confusion that was caused.

      Best Regards,

      Christopher Castine

      Director - Product Management

    • Michael Bachmann commented
      September 07, 2021 09:37

      Is there any update or reasoning why this will now not be implemented?

      This makes the timesheet practically impossible to use for us. Not sure if we really have such a strange use case...

      I'm really not sure how our users are supposed to have some kind of overview on new issues or issues they haven't worked on in the current week (which is our default period).

    • Michael Mohr commented
      September 07, 2021 06:19

      Shame on Tempo that the remove a long year existing feature with the explanation "This feature is also not available in the cloud version, so we will remove it also from the data Center Version". Also Data center users a paying enormous subscription costs that have be raised by factors over the last years. And now you spit on these customers and silently rate this Idea as "Will not implement" without any further comment!

      Again shame on you for f...cking your customers! You really do not live the rules of Atlassian that always tell us "Do not F..ck the customers".

    • Martin Lalonde commented
      August 04, 2021 19:37

      I find it harsh indeed to have downgraded functionnalities without clearly stating it within release update. It make no sense not to use filter on task and not wanted them group by projects. By reading previous comments seem this function doesn't even exist in Cloud instance and we are looking to move our instance in a few months.

      My recommendation will be not to renew our licence for Tempo Timesheet and look for another more suited plugins.

    • Martin Leitner commented
      July 09, 2021 09:21

      As of 7 July 2021 I could bring this feature back by the help of Tempo support and by performing a downgrade to Timesheets 11.2.2.

      Not that all Tempo System plugins and Timesheets plugin itself need to uninstalled first before Timesheets be manually uploaded in the local Jira server instance by providing the link for 11.2.2 under 'Download' from https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/6572/tempo-timesheets-time-tracking-reports/version-history.

    • JIRA Support commented
      June 17, 2021 14:34

      I agree with previous comments: this is a regression, but caused by strategy, and have to be reimplemented.

      It is something I have been scared about since the announcement to retire the Server license: Atlassian is pushing the Cloud version, which will be the master also for the Data Center, even if reducing features.

      In my opinion, within 3y Atlassian will announce to retire the Data Center as well

      Tempo, you should multiply our "votes" as JIRA admins because we are the voice of all our stakeholders; and please be more clear if you are going to deprecate other features


    • Michael Bachmann commented
      May 17, 2021 19:47

      This is a serious degradation of functionality that makes the use of the timesheet nearly impossible when working with lots of issues.

      All of our users rely heavily on filters and grouping them however a user needs it is crucial in keeping it somewhat manageable.

      This has worked perfectly fine up until now. Why was this not even announced? It is only listed as a "fix" in your changelog.

      I'm really lost on how we are supposed to continue working with these kinds of arbitrary limitations...

    • Caroline Vanmaele commented
      April 21, 2021 18:05

      We have been using this functionality since we started to use Tempo for timesheets. Most of our users populate their timesheet with a filter. And obviously you would like to group those issues according to the project as an absolute minimum. But it makes as well a lot of sense to group based on subtasks.

      Refreshing the view is already quite slow today. If the sequence of the issues is continuously changing because issues without hours logged are not considered in the grouping, the speed will only come down. And imagine the frustration of users whose issues are continuously moving around.

      This functionality was available before. So difficult to grasp why it is removed for new releases. It would be great if you can add this again.

    • Michael Mohr commented
      April 07, 2021 06:25

      You are reducing the functionality of your on premise version to the one of your cloud version. So that the cloud version is no longer the one with reduced functionality , so that customers have no reason to choose on premise installation over cloud installations.

      The reason why we believe this, is because the filter and group by functionality worked fine for us till 11.20 without any problem for years. So the incompatibility that you are mentioning could only be caused by restrictions of your cloud version, not by technical or functional problems of your on premise version.

      Shame on you that you solve these incompatibilities by reducing the functionality of your on premise version to reduce your dev efforts to maintain both versions in a own dev trunk. But in parallel you have raised your subscription costs of Tempo from the server to the data center version dramatically in the last years/month. So that there should be enough money for own dev branches for bot versions.

      Formerly working with Jira Apps like Tempo was great, but meanwhile it seems so that the financial people at Atlassian and the App Vendors has won the battle, so that now only profit counts and no longer satisfied customers!