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Set the first day of working week


each country/region has a different start of a week. For some people it's Monday for others this is Sunday etc.

Please allow configuration of the first day of a week or adopt the settings from Jira Software / Jira Service Management

  • Dalibor Raduch
  • Mar 5 2021
  • Unlikely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Julien Mallard commented
    18 Jun, 2024 12:53pm

    Adopting settings from Jira would be a nice feature indeed.

    In the (long) meantime, Tempo support just gave me some more information and I think I figured out how to use the settings:

    • Settings / UI Preferences (personal and/or global tab) apply to Date pickers and Timesheets view

    • Settings / Period Configuration apply to Calendar view and List view

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2024 09:43am

    There is an option if you go to settings -> "Set Date & Time formats" -> "First day of week", but it does not seem to work for me - nothing changes in the tempo.

  • Timo Marjoniemi commented
    5 Sep, 2023 09:49am

    Nowadays at least Timesheet gadget seems to adopt this from Jira language settings. If I want to use US English, I'll have Sunday as first day of week...so I switched to UK English. Would be really nice to be able to control it separately so I could choose any language I want without affecting week structure.

  • Christoph Päper commented
    23 Mar, 2022 10:58am

    Isn't this already there in Settings -> (Configuration) UI Preferences?

    I'm not sure it's respected in all date selector popups, though.

  • linda van rens commented
    13 Dec, 2021 12:15pm

    agree. now the first day of the week is set to Sunday, while for us it should be Monday. Using Server.