Tempo Ideas

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Blocking off days for a team member

My PM allocates a total number of hours of any given period - say April 1-31 - 130 hours. In that same period, I am booking 2 days off - using the internal issue as is suggested - and planning the hours for those 2 days off.

When I put in the planned period time given by my PM - what I would like to be able to do is plan for the period April 1-31, provide the total # hours (by selecting the total option and not the per day option) and have Tempo tell me how many hours / day that works out to taking into account the days I am not available.

The *only* way I've been able to do that so far is to mark those days as Holidays (which works only because I am the sole team member). Then when I book the period, Tempo automatically accounts for the days that are not available and adjusts the per day hours accordingly.

What I would like is that individual team members can mark their days off on their calendar so that tempo takes those into account for any planning activity.

  • Jonathan Argue
  • Mar 26 2021
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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