Tempo Ideas

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On Timesheet, can Temp allow weekly input?

For example
for 24th May to 30th May, we call it Week 21 (5 working days which is 40hours) and resources can log their time against this block, eg 15 hours on project A, 25 hours on project B. Is this supported on Tempo Timesheet on JIRA cloud? If yes, how to configure? If no, is there any plan to support this?

Thanks so much

Steven Kan from Tempo has previously replied with "Currently we do not have feature to be able to automatically distribute a set of time in person-days basis, however we would like to invite you to create a feature request for this in our Tempo Ideas portal", hence creating this request

  • Guest
  • Jun 2 2021
  • Will not implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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