Tempo Ideas

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Allow loading more than 20 internal issues under Internal Issue tab

Hello Tempo team,

I would like to suggest the option of having more than 20 entries in the Internal issue tab, in the Log Time window.

It would be an important feature for us because we hid the logged times of the Internal Issues in Jira, and use Tempo to view the names of those issues. Without Tempo, users would not be able to log time in those issues because they can't search for Internal Issues names.

Currently I can see that the limit in the Internal Issues tab is 20 entries. Maybe add a "Show more" link which would show the following entries in the list.

Best regards,

  • Guest
  • Apr 3 2020
  • Future consideration
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    • Brynja Davíðsdóttir commented
      May 21, 2021 12:58

      This idea is also about Internal issues https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/T-I-950

    • Guest commented
      June 09, 2020 19:02

      My organization typically posts a few hundred tasks per project before the project is closed.. The inability to view them in Tempo is quite limiting. Please add the ability to more items to the log time list in Tempo.