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Ability to re-enable the automatic adjustment of timeframe to new worklog dates

Currently if you create a project it automatically adjusts the timeframe so that it takes the date of the first and last worklog in the issues that belong to the project.


After that if new worklogs are added the timeframe automatically adjusts. If a user edits the timeframe manually this functionality is lost.


It has been proposed to implement a “clear” button that removes any user-specified timeframe and goes back to the default “Calculated” timeframe allowing for the automatic adjustments.

  • Heiða Dóra Jónsdóttir
  • Dec 12 2019
  • Shipped
Tempo Products Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Christopher Castine commented
      February 04, 2020 21:09

      This feature is now available in production.  Users can  revert to a calculated timeframe  by clicking on the link next to the timeframe date range in the Configuration tab.


      Thank you for your feedback




      Cost Tracker Product Manager

    • Guest commented
      December 13, 2019 22:13

      Perhaps even more helpful as a Configuration setting - i.e. "If work logs match scope are outside of start/end date, override start/end date."