Tempo Ideas

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Allow limiting the hours per month per user

Please allow for limiting the hours per user per month. Its a super simple and super useful feature which allows to enter maximum hours that user can log per month and once he attempts to log more the system will not let him do that. Very useful in cases where you have limited budget per project and you don't want to muck around with developer approval of their hours.

I can give you an interface as well. You have a list of users in the system and next to each will be an input field possibly with number field that has a cap of the hours.

On the backend side you need to implement a restriction to check the current monthly hours and allow or not allow the log hours functionality you don't even have to change the database design for this super quick and very useful feature.

Big bang for you buck !

  • Guest
  • Apr 15 2020
  • Unlikely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Stacy Jacob commented
    24 Apr, 2020 12:47am

    This also could be improved by adding weekly limits, when a person reaches their weekly allowance to slow down and give managers better control over the hours

  • Stacy Jacob commented
    24 Apr, 2020 12:27am

    This issue would also cover https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/T-I-62

  • Chad Malkom commented
    24 Apr, 2020 12:24am

    I think this would greatly enhance the flexibility for teams to control the hours of the employees voting one up!