Tempo Ideas

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Additional option on Planned Series editing (+"Just This Instance")

Just like editing a recurring meeting on Google Calendar, it would be great if Planned Tempo Series' editing continued to offer "All Entires in this Series", "This Entry and all Remaining Entries" AND "Just This Entry".

Ex: I've got a resource working 20h/wk on a project, and suddently there's a mandatory training that is internal (not billable to the client) for next week. Would love to be able to reduct their allocation for next week only to account for the training, and then increase a week later in the project to make up for it. The way it is now, you have to change the one week (and all weeks going forward), and do that two more times in future weeks to get it to line up.

  • Jordan Knol
  • Sep 7 2021
  • Attach files
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    • Nina Vehovec commented
      August 31, 2023 11:47

      Plans change over a longer period and sometimes we need to edit only one day in a weekly plan that spans for months, because something more urgent happens. Currently it is only possible to edit all plans in the future. It would help also if we could delete plan only for a specific day(the plan would be made using weekly plans).