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Do not show projected revenue for fixed price projects

I reported an issue where projected revenue was shown for a fixed priced project and got the following reply:

"I confirmed with our development, the projected revenue(pink bar from your screenshots), it is a function of revenues to date and completion ration.

For example, if completion ratio is less than 100% and actual revenue to date is larger than zero, then the projected revenue will trigger and shows.

This is currently by design the function projection, which cannot be turned off"

Kindly consider making a fix for this, as it only raises questions and gives a wrong impression of revenue.

  • Guest
  • Oct 1 2021
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Budgets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    6 Jan, 2022 12:36pm

    I have follow up for this issue. Even for closed projects where progress bar and date is set to 100% and the folio is closed, the projected revenue is shown. I get question all the time from management about this.