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Option to track Budget either on REVENUES or on COSTS

We use Cost Tracker generally to track a project's financials from a client's perspective.

Therefore, we set the project budget that was defined with the client.

So we should be able to set budget to track the revenues amounts and not just costs. That would otherwise falsify the picture.

An option for either revenues or costs would be great.

Also please adapt the descriptive text to be precise on what is been tracked.

Many thanks


  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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  • Sam Starett commented
    20 Mar, 2024 04:36pm

    We need this so bad! Our leadership is not pleased that this is tracked on Cost (new to the organization) and is considering dropping Cost Tracker now. :(

  • Brian Gattman commented
    13 Jan, 2022 02:20pm

    Our business operates the same way. A client purchase order sets the budet in revenue dollars, not cost dollars. An option to switch (or have both) would minimize confusion when sharing the charts and make it likely we continue beyond the trial.

  • Sam Starett commented
    14 Oct, 2021 01:08pm

    Same! We track our projects based on a contractual agreement for the budget, this is our Revenue not our Cost. Right now I'm having to set our budget based on Cost then calculate the actual charge to the customer in order to get the invoice accurately calculated each month.

  • Tomasz Brudziński commented
    13 May, 2021 09:44am

    Same here, in most of our cases we sign framework contracts and receive orders from our clients for certain amount of developers time (order total value) and we need to track actual revenue if we are to tell when the order is complete.

    We've got internal or fixed price projects with fixed budgets soo, so the solution Luke proposed seems like a perfect option - to be able to show/hide either (or both) cost or revenue tracking.

    There is Tempo Budgets for server versions and I was waiting a long time for it to be reproduced on cloud and I first gave up on Cost Tracker because of this. I'm giving it another try, because I already see how it's been improved over the year, but we really need this option soon.

  • Sebastian Kaiser commented
    20 Apr, 2021 11:41am

    We need this too please. Hardly any project of ours is measured against costs. We agree budgets with our clients and track hours x billing rate.

  • Luke Bowler commented
    22 Oct, 2020 11:18pm

    I agree with this. I’m also in an agency environment and would find revenue tracking just as compelling and useful as cost tracking. I wouldn’t want it to be either/or though - I’d want it do both. To my mind the overview should display remaining revenue and remaining cost plus the option to hide and show cost (for the purpose of demonstration). I realise it’s called Cost Tracker - not Budget Tracker - but what’s there is so good, I’d be crazy not to try and bastardise it to address the whole jtbd