Tempo Ideas

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Possibility for enabling/disabling specific Tempo mail notifications (e.g. Timesheet approval mail)

Our customers are requesting the possiblity to disable specific Tempo mail notifications, such as the Timesheet approval mail.

List of automated mail notficatons sent by Tempo:


As requested by Tempo support , I created an idea for gathering interests.



  • Guest
  • Dec 15 2021
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud, On-Premise
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    • Attila Salanki commented
      August 23, 2023 09:36

      Hi Everyone,

      we migrated to Cloud. Until now to avoid notifications for approve period, we have disabled the Outgoing mails due in the Approve process, but in Cloud it seems, that it not works, because the users get the notification after reenabled the Outgoing mail.


      I contacted with the support, but they said, there is no workaround in this case in Cloud.

      "Aliia ZaynullaYesterday 1:23 PM

      Hi Attila,

      Unfortunately, there is no alternative workaround for Cloud.


    • Chris Uggen commented
      December 12, 2022 22:39

      Half of my users are not required to complete timesheets, however they do work within Jira. So they get the email notifications which creates noise, is disruptive and inefficient. Being able to control who and why kinds of emails get sent will be a huge win!