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Enable extended issue hierarchy from Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio)

Problem :

Collecting timesheets via API http://{JIRA_BASE_URL}/rest/tempo-timesheets/4/worklogs/search and found out that some users come as JIRAUSER42444, JIRAUSER42464, JIRAUSER42504 and some users have user IDs.

Root cause explanation from support :

"The user information returned by the Tempo REST API is the “author” as stored in the Jira worklog table. The information in this column is the “userkey” of the worklog author (as listed in the “app_user” table). The behavior of this can not be changed.

Dependent on when a user was created, the userkey is in a different format. Due to GDPR, the user key for new users is now “JIRAUSERXXXXX”. In earlier versions of JIRA, the userkey was the same as the username or the users email (this depends on the version of Jira that was used when the user was created)."

Would like to have possibility to get user IDs for all users in timesheet.

  • Renni Verho
  • Jan 17 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Reports, Tempo Teams
Tempo Platform Cloud, On-Premise
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