As the title says, we need to generate a planned time report that shows the role a resource has for a Jira standard issue.
We have tried using teams, and filtering the report to contain the issue team and the issue itself, but the problem is that tempo shows the latest role an user was added to.
For example:
Team 1 has an user with the Business Analyst role
Team 2 has the same user as team 1, but with the Developer role.
When we generate the report, we tried filtering by Team 1, but the user is shown with the role from Team 2.
The desired result would be, if we would filter by team 1, the app should show the roles users have in that team, not the role of the team the user was last assigned to.
Tempo Products | Tempo Planner, Tempo Reports |
Tempo Platform | Cloud | ist the same
that feature would be very helpful