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Copying timesheet entries from previous week to the current

In Jira Tempo app, we would like to have a way to copy timesheet entries from the previous week into the current one.

  • Guest
  • Dec 21 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Bryan Johnson commented
    4 Feb 08:50pm

    Big time save. Most folks aren't changing their timelines week to week. If they are it's minor changes.

  • Guest commented
    4 Feb 02:10am
    This would be a significant time saver and would make data entry much easier to use. This has been requested by numerous people in our org.
  • Christian Jean commented
    20 Feb, 2024 01:18am

    Note that copying the previous week to the current would be nice.

    But also being able to choose any previous weeks (ie: 2 weeks ago, or 4 weeks ago) would be even better.