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Log time with Tempo Chrome extension without redirect

Ability to log time directly with the chrome extension - just open "work log modal" with prefilled values without redirect to another page.

  • Stanislav Řehák
  • Mar 12 2020
  • Shipped
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Pranay Khanna commented
    29 Nov, 2022 06:22pm

    Hi Everyone - Logging time directly from the extension is shipped and available in the latest version of the Chrome Extension (v2.x).

    Users now have 2 options to log time - either log work directly (if their Tempo instance is configured that way) or be redirected to log work from the standard form on My Work.

    We don't yet have a native view to log time from all trackers, but @Jonas has provided a neat workaround to make it work form the Jira Dashboard - thanks for that!

  • Jonas Boernicke commented
    21 Jan, 2021 08:30am


    One quick work-around we found is the Jira Dashboard Widget. There you can quickly log all your trackers one after the other without the annyoing redirect. You cannot yet log all trackers at once, but it is still much quicker than always waiting for the redirect.

    Maybe it helps!

  • Jonas Boernicke commented
    29 Apr, 2020 06:23am

    Agree, would make it even more seemless to log all the different project I worked on in the end of the day.