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Allow users to log zero hours of time in Tempo Timesheets

We would highly appreciate implementing an option like "[ ] allow reporting of zero time" or "[ ] Minimum time for work logs"
This feature would instantaneously create the ability to generate and compensate overtime in organizations with flexible work time.
Many corporations allow to create overtime hours and reduce them later by taking full days off.
Instead of not reporting on a day he takes off from work (due to overtime reduction) which could be also interpreted as "the user forgot to log his work time" he could rather officially state "taking a day off due to overtime compensation". The work hours in the appropriate time period would automatically balance.

  • Guest
  • May 16 2018
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Reports
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Aug 7, 2019

    Admin response

    While we want to support flexitime as part of work on Time off and Timesheets, we will not support the use case of logging 0h on a worklog.

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