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Workload contouring for planning task effort

As a resource manager I need to plan and schedule tasks daily for my teams

when a Project Manager adds a demand is JIRA ticket for 5 days with an estimate of 20 hours - Tempo Planner automatically does a level spread of 4 hours per day.

Im reality my team may work different hours per day on a ticket - e.g

  • 6 hours on monday

  • 4 hours on tuesday,

  • 0 on wednesday

  • 5 hours on thursday

  • 5 on friday

In the capacity planner view i cant create this schedule without splitting the tasks into daily chunks which is a massive overhead

It would be more true to life if you were able to add the effort into the plan time pop up to reflect the actual distribution of the work and then be able to modify in the planner interface

  • Guest
  • Jul 23 2024
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