It would be useful to restrict some workattributes to specific tempo roles, like the Billable Hours Field.
In our case we have the use case that we have some work attributes that are only for our accounting, that should not be editable to normal users.
Tempo Products | Tempo Timesheets |
Tempo Platform | On-Premise |
This could be a solution to restrict worklog level functions like "edit, move, delete, split", if there would be a dedicated system work attribute called "locked", and if Tempo admin/JIRA admin/External system set this attribute value to true, than Tempo dispalys error message when user initiate any of the worklog function.
Thanks for the feedback!
Interesting idea. I'm changing status of this one to Future Consideration to see if it gathers momentum in the voting :).
Hlynur Johnsen
Product Manager - Tempo for Jira