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Prevent cell character limit errors when exporting to excel

Provide an option to restrict the description field to 32767 characters OR To truncate the number of characters to 32767 before exporting same to excel.

  • Andrew Ramsay
  • Mar 12 2020
  • Shipped
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • Mayank Agarwal commented
      March 22, 2024 14:41

      Fixed in the new version of Tempo Timesheet (v17.3.1)

    • Richard Minick commented
      November 08, 2023 20:23

      Yes this should be a pretty simple fix doing a truncate on anything past the char limit.

    • Colin McD commented
      April 11, 2023 07:23

      This is very frustrating as we have to keep deleting worklogs till we find the worklog that breaks the excel report.

      Would be great if you could "ignore worklog comments" as we only care at the tempo level about the work hours, not what the user actually does.

    • Guest commented
      February 16, 2023 22:20

      This is annoying, as it means an entire report fails to generate.

      It would be far better to have Tempo truncate the data before it hits Excel.