Tempo Ideas

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Add "description" field to Account

As a TEMPO Timesheet user, I would like to see helpful information provided by my TEMPO Account administrator about an account (e.g. intended usage, constraints, ...) displayed when hovering over it.

As a TEMPO Account administrator, I would like to a free-text desription to each account to convey additional information about it to the users that actually select this account.

  • Dietmar Berg
  • Jul 8 2020
  • Likely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
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    • Mykenna Cepek commented
      August 12, 2020 18:32

      Being able to put a URL in this Description field (or have a separate field for a URL related to the account) would be nice as well. We have a Confluence page related to each Tempo Account.

    • Dietmar Berg commented
      July 08, 2020 06:21

      It would also be useful to (permanently) show this additional information in the Timesheet Report when aggregating over accounts.

    • Dietmar Berg commented
      July 08, 2020 06:20

      related to T-239