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Export Reports to pdf with custom fields, prevent exporting the name (DSGVO)

For our customers, we need to export monthly reports to give a survey of the logged and billed work of our developers.

The "Export report to PDF" function is very nice for this purpose.

It generates a clear and precise list of the worklogs. This is far better than the alternative "Create printable view" (which would let us export custom fields, nesting, and sortings)

However, in each worklog, the name of the developer is written (ifn brackets).

This does not comply with european DSGVO regulatories:

The name mut NOT be exported and sent to the customer as long as it is not really necessary.

So I have three wishes:

  1. remove the "name" field from the printable view

  2. Allow the customization of the "Export report to PDF" so that we could adjust which fields we want to export and which fields should be suppressed.

  3. add the possibility of customized branding (logo in the header, text/logo in the footer)

I am sure that these changes are quite easy to implement and would give the "Export report to PDF" function enhanced functionality, professionalism and lawfullness.

Thank you very much

Christian Methfessel

  • Guest
  • Nov 4 2020
Tempo Products Other, Tempo Reports
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Guest commented
      April 12, 2021 10:22

      the attachment didn't work? Strange...

    • Guest commented
      April 12, 2021 10:21

      Hello Hjalti,

      as you can see on the attached screenshots:
      The list does NOT show the worklog user.

      Therefore I expect that the pdf export ALSO does not show the worklog user.

      Since your last update, you allow to export matching reports: https://www.tempo.io/updates/tempo-cloud-export-matching-reports

      However, if in the list the user is not shown, it should not appear on the pdf list!

      If you fixed this, my initial wishes 1+2 would be perfectly fulfilled.

      Additionally, as said initially, it would be great if we could add our company logo and branding image into the header and/or footer.

      Thank you very much

      Christian Methfessel

    • Hjalti Einarsson commented
      February 04, 2021 11:01

      Hi there, thank for the feedback. Could you please provide us with screenshots of the different views so we can have a better understanding. Specifically a report where we can see the brackets in use so we know exactly what information you want to be able to remove.

      Best Regards
      Hjalti Einarsson, PM