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Make the standard Jira Fields (and User Details) in the Worklog-Exports customizable

We like to customize the worklog export, so we can add fields like e-mail, location, fix version or release.

And to include the user properties as well would be fantastic!

Cheers, David

  • David Worm
  • Mar 23 2020
  • Likely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • April Daly commented
      April 27, 2022 22:46

      We really, really need a way to add user attributes and get them in reports. On Cloud, the user can make their name whatever they want, which may not match other systems. We are spending close to 10k a month just trying to match up billing data coming from Tempo, and it is unsustainable.

    • Stephanie B commented
      July 12, 2021 19:44

      We are using Cloud, but would also like this ability. I would love to have the Jira project category in the worklog export, along with other project standard fields.

    • Gabriel Udvar commented
      May 07, 2020 11:19

      Hello Hjalti and David!

      We would also benefit from a new feature where we would be able to customize the excel exports.

      At the moment we export one report for the entire team (330 colleagues) for an entire month with all the issues they have worked on.

      The current workflow is: Select Reports menu -> Click on "Logged Time" report -> Filter by "All SD Employees" -> Group by user

      At this point a selection window of the required period would be even more beneficial as it will prevent sending a request to the server and then having to modify the period again (See Tempo - Period Selection.jpg attachment)

      After the report is run and values are displayed, which sometimes can take up to 15 minutes since there is a lot of data to gather.

      We then Click "Export" -> XLS

      This will automatically trigger the request to the server to download an excel file containing 32 table rows. Out of these 32 table rows we only need 11.

      The values in some of the rows are Null and others are irrelevant, therefore are deleted.

      We would like to have a small pop-up menu with radio buttons, after selecting the export file format, allowing us to choose which of the rows get exported to the excel file.

      This will help us by decreasing the time necessary to download the file from the server and extra work with deleting the unnecessary rows.

      At the moment, because we have a busy JIRA server, the download time is sometimes 20-30 minutes and we think it might reduce this time if 2/3 of the required rows are eliminated and not calculated and populated from the start.

      Hope my explanation is clear and helpful.

      If you need more information or details, please let me know.

      Thank you in advance!

      Best regards,

      Gabriel Udvar

    • Hjalti Einarsson commented
      April 20, 2020 13:55

      Hello David

      Thank you for your input. We will later this year work specifically on improving the export capabilities of Tempo reports. This will definitely be considered when we address the whole experience.

      It would be helpful if you can give us a little bit more information on what you mean with a couple of screenshots to explain further.

      Kind Regards
      Hjalti Einarsson, PM