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Dynamic dropdown worklog attribute - reolad when issue is updated

Tempo currently not supports addition of Jira custom fields as worklog attribute. As workaround, it is possible to define a REST endpoint that fetches the values of an issue customfield. However when the issue customfield is updated on the issue, the old value(s) still remain in the log time dialog. The user must do a browser refresh in order to load the new value(s).

As I understand, the values are locally cached because of performance reasons.

Suggestion is to give the user the option to reload the values in the log time dialog.

  • Guest
  • Aug 26 2020
  • Likely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Antonella Mastrapasqua commented
    July 08, 2024 07:27

    Hi, I have the same problem. The problem emerges when a stress test is carried out from the log time screen, for example if the choice of issue types is changed several times from the top menu of the dialog. Concrete example:

    1. I open the time dialog in an issue that does not have any choice options in the Dynamic Dropdown field(since from the implementation of our rest there is a case in which no value is returned and therefore no option for the Dynamic Dropdown field). Being mandatory if I click on the log form button it correctly gives me the error that that field is mandatory.

    2. Then I choose another issue from the same dialog for which options exist instead in the Dynamic Dropdown field and select an option. However, I decide not to save and further change the issuetype in the same dialog, returning the choice to the previous issuetype for which there were no options in the Dynamic Dropdown field. What happens is that despite the fact that the Dynamic Dropdown field is displayed correctly without options for this issue, by clicking on the log time button the saving is still carried out saving the hours even if the Dynamic Dropdown field is empty and is mandatory.

    I think this is a bug, probably even if the field is apparently empty it keeps in cache the value selected with the previous issue.
